The Best Way to See The Northern Lights In Iceland

I was kindly gifted the Northern Lights Photography Tour Experience by Arctic Shots.  Seeing the Northern lights is on almost every traveller’s bucket list. Being stood in the dark, looking out at a winter sky dancing with colours is a magical experience and one many come to Iceland to try and witness. It is possible…

The Baby-Vet’s 2017!

As my site ‘Travels of a Baby-vet’ has been up and running for almost a year now!?! And 2017 has flown by spectacularly, I thought this would be a fitting time to write a year roundup! A cheeky Travels of a Baby-vet newsletter, if you will… University life continues….. Well, I guess I should begin….at…

Exploring the Welsh Coast; My To-do List

Ok, so after a bit of a break from writing my travel guide for Wales, I am back with a vengeance and ready to provide all you lovely people with part two of the definitive guide to North Wales! So, in part one (Check it out here… I gave you all a run-down of my…

Whipsnade Week One Round Up!

So my Whipsnade week one roundup…. it’s been a really amazing first week here and I’ve been learning such a lot towards what I hope will one day be a future career for myself. As well as successfully blood sampling a nilgai antelope and a rather reluctant llama, I’ve bathed goats, tried my hand at…