This is potentially a bit of a controversial post and it by no means reflects on my opinion of the entirety of India, but after umming and ahhing about if I should post this, in the end, this is the truth of my experiences while there so I think it needs to be said. So…
On our first day off from working at Help in Suffering we decided to try and see some of the sights of Jaipur. In the early hours of the morning, I had a bit of a funny fainty spell and felt rather sick and dizzy (typical when we were just about to have our day…
As the week sped on I tucked more and more operations under my belt. I was finding that surgery was most definitely a learned motor skill and I was pleased to find myself becoming neater and more efficient with every passing day I picked up a scalpel. Though my surgical technique appeared to be improving,…
I am convinced after spending 5 weeks there, that India may possibly be the loudest place on earth!! Even the animals seemed to operate at several decibels above normal volume, especially the dogs who howl, bark, yap, squeal at all hours of the day and night (I’m really not sure when they got chance to…
Today we finally got to see the ABC clinic in motion and I can safely say, it’s the definition of organised chaos! In the morning all the men come in barefoot and strip off at the waste and don scrubs so when Beth and I walked we were greeted by a room full of half…
I now know why every guide book told me to bring a head torch to India and I feel I must pass on this wisdom to anyone about to embark on a trip to India …. On one memorable occasion during my first few nights at Help in Suffering (HIS), I was unceremoniously plunged into…
We woke up to our last morning in Ranthambore and Beth and I had to admit we were sad to leave the tigers and the jungle behind for the city of Jaipur. We had our last breakfast and found that the Austro-Americans were intent on following us to Jaipur (lucky us). I have to admit…