I honestly don’t think Disney+ could have come at a better time! With everyone in the UK in lockdown thanks to COVID-19 and with people worldwide facing great uncertainty, I think we could all do with a little Disney magic right now! As a self-professed Disney nerd, I have had the advanced early-bird subscription offer since…
Your first time experiencing the magic of Walt Disney World will be truly unforgettable. It is unlike any other holiday you’ll ever undertake and with Disney’s unique Imagineering, young or old, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Trust me when I say Walt Disney World isn’t just your standard run of the mill theme park,…
When booking any holiday, deciding where to stay is a major part of the planning process. While some want that five-star feeling, others are happy as long as they have somewhere to lay their head at night. Now, If you’ve read any of my back-packing tales you’ll know I’m not averse to a cheap and…
A question that gets asked time and time and again by Florida first-timers (or even second, third and fourth-timers!) is if they should hire a car or not. Florida is such a vast state with varied and abundant activities of try, and unlike the relative quaintness of the UK, where most things are in walking…
The ‘Memory Maker’ is a concept created by Disney to give users unlimited photographic souvenirs of their time in the Walt Disney Parks. In 2019 Disney was offering a free Memory Maker for all guests who booked their holiday through the ‘Walt Disney Travel Company’ so we were lucky enough to try out this great…
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party is one of the extra ticketed events offered at Walt Disney World. It operates from the end of August through to November on select nights in Magic Kingdom. Unlike Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights (which I will openly admit I am far too much of a wuss to attend), the…
Good morning/ afternoon everybody! Still coming to you from sunny Orlando, Florida and here to give you some more Disney reviews! So, I’m guessing if you’re reading this post you’re heading to Walt Disney World really soon (you lucky people!!) or you’re at least thinking about it! Well, this series of posts is going to…
Hey fellow Disney enthusiasts! So, I’m guessing if you’re reading this post you’re heading to Walt Disney World really soon (you lucky people!!) or you’re at least thinking about it! Well, I’m currently coming to you from ‘The Happiest Place On Earth’ (sat waiting in the Disney bus queue to be exact) and this is…