Sunny Beach Memoirs – Grad Holiday

What happens in Sunny Beach, stays in Sunny Beach … Well unless one of the participants is a keen blogger like myself! Don’t worry vets of the future, if you’re reading this I’ll try to keep it clean! For all those of you who are sat scratching your heads at the concept of Grad holiday,…

Smallies Rotations – Getting thrown in the Deep End

After the slog of fourth-year exams, the uphill struggle to graduation begins and vet school presents us with yet another challenge, this time in the form of clinical rotations. Rotations are essentially a year and a half of being thrown in at the deep end to practice all the skills, and exercise all the knowledge…

London Vet Show, Student Style!

This year Beth and I were lucky enough to score a free trip to London Vet Show courtesy of our Veterinary Practice family We were invited down all expenses paid to assist on the veterinary practice stall, this was a fab opportunity to scope out the largest collection of vets, drugs companies and CPD…

BSAVA Congress 2017

What better way to wind down after a hectic first week getting to grips with rotations than to go and work our brains harder by attending a conference!? The BSAVA conference to be exact! I’ll keep it short and sweet as I am currently meant to be preparing for today’s behaviour seminar not faffing about…

Halfway Weekend Shinnanigans 

To the more observant reader, you will have noticed that this was almost a year ago. However, as it was a big milestone in my vet school career, I feel it is still worthy of a blog post ( even if it is a little late)! So, to all you non-vets out there, halfway weekend…

A not-so sorry send off to lectures

No more lectures for fourth years!!….. If we all pass exams that is! At Liverpool vet school the time had come for us all to leave the safety of the lecture theatre and move on to greater (and scarier) things. In the next couple of months, we have our last set of exams to tackle…

BVZS Spring Meeting

have just got back from one of my nerdy ventures where myself and a number of the LUVZS committee attended this year’s BVZS Autumn meeting held at Oxford University’s Pembroke College. BVZS (The British Veterinary Zoological Society for those of you who are not familiar with this organisation) is a rapidly growing society supporting the…

LUVZS Day 2016- Liverpool Vet School

  This year at Liverpool vet school, LUVZS (the resident society for all things wildlife) had it’s first (and hopefully not last!) ‘LUVZS Day’ especially for its members. The day involved a variety of talks and activities (and food of course!) to provide students the opportunity to learn about things not necessarily covered on the…

VetsNorth Conference 2016

Once again, myself, Beth and Ashley volunteered our services to the team at Veterinary Practice magazine to help steward at the annual and very popular VetsNorth Conference, a two-day event providing lectures and practicals for vets (and this year also vet nurses!) to count towards their obligatory CPD. This year a new venue was selected…