Goodbye Ranthambore, Hello Help in Suffering!

We woke up to our last morning in Ranthambore and Beth and I had to admit we were sad to leave the tigers and the jungle behind for the city of Jaipur. We had our last breakfast and found that the Austro-Americans were intent on following us to Jaipur (lucky us). I have to admit…

Ranthambore Tiger Hattrick

***Photos courtesy of  and copyright to the fantastic work of my travelling partner in crime, Beth Dixon*** After sleeping like logs Beth and I prepared excitedly for our 6am safari. I was a little worried about the fact we didn’t get breakfast until after the safari as I am a bit of a foody and…

A Mission Across Time Zones

**Disclaimer.. as much as i’d like to say i’m responsible for the majority of these shots, most of the better quality images are copyrighted to my travelling partner in crime Beth Dixon** So here it is….. After leaving teary parents, indifferent sisters and one very distraught boyfriend, Beth and I headed through the gate to…