Getting into Vet School Part 1: Work Experience Wisdom

Greetings budding vetlings! This is my first post in my ‘Getting into Vet School’ series. This first post is about work experience hints and tips which I’m hoping will lend itself to helping you get more out of your placements than just a farmers tan and a faecal facemask (Vet life isn’t always glamorous!)! Before…

What I Learned In 2018

The beginning of any new year is a time for making resolutions, setting new goals and reflecting on the last twelve months of our existence. Did I lose the 20lbs I said I would? Was I a good person this year (though this is maybe a question we ask ourselves a little earlier than the…

The Baby-vet’s 2018

So, as promised here’s my second instalment in my ‘Looking Back on 2018’ series. If you’re interested in my thoughts on what happened in 2018 – things that struck a chord from around the world then click here. As I’ve mentioned previously 2018 was a jam-packed year, and one which was filled with both amazing…

Smallies Rotations – Getting thrown in the Deep End

After the slog of fourth-year exams, the uphill struggle to graduation begins and vet school presents us with yet another challenge, this time in the form of clinical rotations. Rotations are essentially a year and a half of being thrown in at the deep end to practice all the skills, and exercise all the knowledge…

London Vet Show, Student Style!

This year Beth and I were lucky enough to score a free trip to London Vet Show courtesy of our Veterinary Practice family We were invited down all expenses paid to assist on the veterinary practice stall, this was a fab opportunity to scope out the largest collection of vets, drugs companies and CPD…