In October 2022, Corey and I travelled to Marrakech, Morocco for a wonderful autumn getaway. It was a country neither of us had visited before and it was a fantastic experience immersing ourselves in another culture which differed so much from our own. However, with this came a few difficulties and differences of option; One…
Greetings budding vetlings! This is my first post in my ‘Getting into Vet School’ series. This first post is about work experience hints and tips which I’m hoping will lend itself to helping you get more out of your placements than just a farmers tan and a faecal facemask (Vet life isn’t always glamorous!)! Before…
As the saying goes “Time flies when you’re having fun” and this year most certainly has. It feels like only a few weeks ago I was hitting publish on my ‘first month in practice’ blog post and here I am 12 months later writing a post to mark a year of being a vet! It’s…
One of the most notable parts of a vet’s job is euthanasia or, to most people; putting an animal to sleep. Euthanasia translates to “a good death” and it is something we strive to achieve, after all, it’s what everyone hopes for in the end, right? Some see it as playing god, others see it…
The beginning of any new year is a time for making resolutions, setting new goals and reflecting on the last twelve months of our existence. Did I lose the 20lbs I said I would? Was I a good person this year (though this is maybe a question we ask ourselves a little earlier than the…
So, as promised here’s my second instalment in my ‘Looking Back on 2018’ series. If you’re interested in my thoughts on what happened in 2018 – things that struck a chord from around the world then click here. As I’ve mentioned previously 2018 was a jam-packed year, and one which was filled with both amazing…
So I am sat here writing this having survived my first month in practice as a vet! Wow, it seems pretty surreal that I can now say those words – my dream career is finally a reality! This year has been filled with it’s ups and downs, but one of the ultimate highs to date…
Ever wondered what it’s like being a vet student? Well here’s a sneak peak into life on rotations at one of the UK vets schools! So sit back and have a laugh at our expense! The previous six weeks gave rise to my last ever set of small animal rotations (so technically having now completed…
After the slog of fourth-year exams, the uphill struggle to graduation begins and vet school presents us with yet another challenge, this time in the form of clinical rotations. Rotations are essentially a year and a half of being thrown in at the deep end to practice all the skills, and exercise all the knowledge…
This year Beth and I were lucky enough to score a free trip to London Vet Show courtesy of our Veterinary Practice family We were invited down all expenses paid to assist on the veterinary practice stall, this was a fab opportunity to scope out the largest collection of vets, drugs companies and CPD…