A family Affair

For some reason this post got lost and was never published, so two years later it’s finally getting it’s début! During one of our last days at Help in Suffering, we saw our first case of tetanus. Tetanus is rarely seen in the UK as animals which are particularly sensitive to clostridium tetani (causative agent…

Not All Cows go to Heaven

On one of our quieter days we took the opportunity to tag along with the rescue team on a cow release. Now I feel this phrase makes the cows sound like wild animals which although to us may seem a little silly, it is a lot more fitting to describe the cows here as some…

Meeting the Elephant Doctors

On our final ‘day off’ while at HIS we found ourselves buzzing with excitement at the chance to finally meet the elephant doctors! Our day began the day dog catching (can’t beat a good 5AM start!) and at 7AM got the fellas to drop us off in the city centre to search for breakfast. We…

Man Vs Dog

On a few select occasions we made the difficult decision to drag ourselves from our already disturbed sleep to go dog catching at 5AM. One saving grace of being up so horrendously early was the temperature, the harsh heat of the day had not yet set in and there was a welcome breeze. Another advantage…

Who submerged the tortoise!?

During my time in India I came to the conclusion that I was cursed when it came to surgery…. Every time I picked up a scalpel, nothing went smoothly, thankfully not due to my surgical skill I might add! On one particularly unlucky day which springs to mind, we had a power cut half way…

Camels and a culture shock

During my time at Help in Suffering, many of my favourite days were spent with Dr Swami on the camel clinic. I felt more at home with the preventative approach to veterinary care and enjoyed being around the good-natured humour of the camel team. I was allowed to get fairly hands-on, under the watchful eye…

LUVZS Day 2016- Liverpool Vet School

  This year at Liverpool vet school, LUVZS (the resident society for all things wildlife) had it’s first (and hopefully not last!) ‘LUVZS Day’ especially for its members. The day involved a variety of talks and activities (and food of course!) to provide students the opportunity to learn about things not necessarily covered on the…