Anyone who knows me is aware that I’ll do pretty much anything to jet off to exciting new destinations. My calendar usually sports several planned getaways and when I’m not travelling, I’m writing about my adventures here on this blog. However, due to the current global uncertainty thanks to COVID-19, travel abroad has been at…
Ok, so I know we’re all being driven wild not being able to go out into the world and we’re facing a lot of uncertainty at the moment which sucks. I am no different and I too am feeling lonely and frustrated by the situation. However, focusing on the negatives isn’t going to help anyone,…
I honestly don’t think Disney+ could have come at a better time! With everyone in the UK in lockdown thanks to COVID-19 and with people worldwide facing great uncertainty, I think we could all do with a little Disney magic right now! As a self-professed Disney nerd, I have had the advanced early-bird subscription offer since…
What can I say? What a weird situation we have all found ourselves in… I don’t really know how to begin this blog post as I don’t think I’ve properly gotten my head around what’s happening in the world right now. In the UK we’re currently on day one of full lockdown but many people…