Lost in Lima – How to Survive Peru’s Capital Part 1

Lima is a hybrid between the new, the old and the even older! It’s a crazy, colourful, congested and cultural city which many a traveller will pass through on their pilgrimage to Machu Picchu. On our recent adventure, we spent 3 days exploring the Peruvian capital as our first South American destination on our trip.…

The Baby-vet’s 2018

So, as promised here’s my second instalment in my ‘Looking Back on 2018’ series. If you’re interested in my thoughts on what happened in 2018 – things that struck a chord from around the world then click here. As I’ve mentioned previously 2018 was a jam-packed year, and one which was filled with both amazing…

Sunny Beach Memoirs – Grad Holiday

What happens in Sunny Beach, stays in Sunny Beach … Well unless one of the participants is a keen blogger like myself! Don’t worry vets of the future, if you’re reading this I’ll try to keep it clean! For all those of you who are sat scratching your heads at the concept of Grad holiday,…

A family Affair

For some reason this post got lost and was never published, so two years later it’s finally getting it’s début! During one of our last days at Help in Suffering, we saw our first case of tetanus. Tetanus is rarely seen in the UK as animals which are particularly sensitive to clostridium tetani (causative agent…

Wander Article; Budapest; Beyond the Bars and Booze!

Another freelance article published by the fantastic site Wander. Inspired by a recent girl’s holiday to Eastern Europe! Budapest is well known for it’s booze, bars and “boys on tour” I wanted to shed light on the other fantastic things to do there! Check it Out! For more Travel inspiration, guides and tips check out…

Not All Cows go to Heaven

On one of our quieter days we took the opportunity to tag along with the rescue team on a cow release. Now I feel this phrase makes the cows sound like wild animals which although to us may seem a little silly, it is a lot more fitting to describe the cows here as some…