Top 10 Things to Do in Northern Ireland

As an adventure enthusiast, I am always looking for an excuse to explore a new place. Lucky for me, I met my boyfriend, Corey at the end of 2020 who comes with the added perk of being Irish (how exotic!). In 2021 Corey invited me over to visit his hometown on the Causeway Coast and…

Shrigley Hall – The Perfect Spa Staycation

Anyone who knows me is aware that I’ll do pretty much anything to jet off to exciting new destinations. My calendar usually sports several planned getaways and when I’m not travelling, I’m writing about my adventures here on this blog. However, due to the current global uncertainty thanks to COVID-19, travel abroad has been at…

The Baby-Vet’s 2017!

As my site ‘Travels of a Baby-vet’ has been up and running for almost a year now!?! And 2017 has flown by spectacularly, I thought this would be a fitting time to write a year roundup! A cheeky Travels of a Baby-vet newsletter, if you will… University life continues….. Well, I guess I should begin….at…

Whipsnade Week One Round Up!

So my Whipsnade week one roundup…. it’s been a really amazing first week here and I’ve been learning such a lot towards what I hope will one day be a future career for myself. As well as successfully blood sampling a nilgai antelope and a rather reluctant llama, I’ve bathed goats, tried my hand at…

A Cheapskate’s Guide to Lonon!

Ever wanted a guide to London on a budget? This is a freelance post I did for Travelicious. As a student and self-professed cheapskate and bargain hunter, I decided to write a post for those wanting a trip to London without breaking the bank! Check out’ A Cheapskate’s Guide To London’ here, and if you’re…

A Trip to the Zoo with a Whiskey or Two!

60 keen veterinary students from the Liverpool University Veterinary Zoological Society (LUVZS) descended on Edinburgh for a long anticipated weekend of hot toddies and pandas! Me, Beth and Ashley arrived at Liverpool Limestreet station bright and early on Thursday morning to begin our Scottish shenanigans. Armed with kindle’s, coffees and work we had no intention…