A Guide to Paracas, Peru – A 48-Hour Itinerary

Disclaimer: All facts and figures were what we experienced on our trip and were accurate as of publishing in August 2019 but always check prices and figures before your trip as they can be subject to change.  Just outside Lima (well, it’s actually a 6-hour drive but in Peru terms, it’s basically a stone’s throw…

A Guide To Turtle-tastic Tortuguero

Hey folks! It’s time for yet another armchair adventure to South America, so grab a cup of tea and get comfy while I fill you with wanderlust and inspiration for your next trip! In this post, I’m going to talk about turtle-tastic Tortuguero, one of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets… Well until now! Why You Should…

How To Be A Turtle Friendly Tourist In Costa Rica

Sea turtles are some of the most mesmerizing animals I think I’ve ever had the pleasure and luck of encountering. They cruise gracefully through the waves, some as big as cars, spending a mere 10% of their entire lives on land. Very little is still known about the secret underwater lives of these jellyfish eating…

The Baby-vet’s 2018

So, as promised here’s my second instalment in my ‘Looking Back on 2018’ series. If you’re interested in my thoughts on what happened in 2018 – things that struck a chord from around the world then click here. As I’ve mentioned previously 2018 was a jam-packed year, and one which was filled with both amazing…

Not All Cows go to Heaven

On one of our quieter days we took the opportunity to tag along with the rescue team on a cow release. Now I feel this phrase makes the cows sound like wild animals which although to us may seem a little silly, it is a lot more fitting to describe the cows here as some…

Meeting the Elephant Doctors

On our final ‘day off’ while at HIS we found ourselves buzzing with excitement at the chance to finally meet the elephant doctors! Our day began the day dog catching (can’t beat a good 5AM start!) and at 7AM got the fellas to drop us off in the city centre to search for breakfast. We…

Man Vs Dog

On a few select occasions we made the difficult decision to drag ourselves from our already disturbed sleep to go dog catching at 5AM. One saving grace of being up so horrendously early was the temperature, the harsh heat of the day had not yet set in and there was a welcome breeze. Another advantage…